Create A Home Office You Will Love

Create A Home Office You Will Love

Comfortable workplace with potted plants and a modern wood desk.

Working from home has many advantages — no commute, unlimited snacks, and the ability to call into your team meetings in sweat pants. However, there’s something to be said for the separation of work and home that out-of-home offices provide. If you need a dedicated space at home where you can get your work done without letting it bleed into the rest of your personal space, use these tips to make your very best home office!

Choose the Location Wisely

You’ll want to put your home office in a spot where you’re going to feel most focused and productive. Are you someone who thrives in the thick of things, or is your ideal office a quiet retreat from the rest of the home? An office off of the family room might work for those who like a bit of chaos in their environment while a basement office might be a better solution for someone who needs uninterrupted quiet.

Light, Light, Light!

Natural light can help boost your mood and your health, so try to put your office in a spot with lots of natural light if at all possible. Even better, have your desk facing a window so that you can have a great view and great lighting for all of those Zoom calls!

Make Your Space Work For You

Though it may be tempting to sacrifice form for function in a home office, your furniture and decor should ultimately serve you, not the other way around. Think about how much desk space you need for computers, papers, and supplies before you shop for a desk instead of trying to make your belongings work for the space you have. After all, one of the biggest benefits of a home office is that you can customize it to you!

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Decorate How You Like

This is your office, so you can paint and decorate however you’d like! Hang art and decor that inspires you, paint the walls your favorite color, and surround yourself with things that are beautiful to you. If you’re happy with your surroundings you’re much more likely to be inspired in your work.

March 15, 2021
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