5 Tips For Organizing Your Car

5 Tips For Organizing Your Car

A caucasian hand opening an organized glove box in a car. If you spend any regular time in your car, it’s bound to get cluttered with extra straws, napkins, clothes, and who knows what else fairly quickly. Use these easy tips to get your car clutter under control once and for all!

Less Is More

Though it can be tempting to use your car as a storage unit of sorts with an extra set of clothes and shoes, blankets, and sporting gear, there aren’t many places to hide clutter in a car. Plus, loose items rolling around or spilling in your car can cause excessive wear and tear on your vehicle.

Add Storage Solutions

If your car doesn’t have a lot of built-in storage, you can add over-the-seat organizers on the backs of the front seats, add small pop-up storage bins in the trunk, and even add extra storage between your front seats and the center console. These organizing additions will help keep your daily essentials in place while you drive, and make it easier to find your belongings when the need arises.

Sort By Use And Area

Knowing how you use different areas of your vehicle and what you need to store in those sections helps you keep only the essentials on hand. In the front row, you’ll want to have everything you and your front-seat passenger could need – extra phone chargers, sunglasses, your vehicle registration, and insurance information. The middle row is for passengers and kids, so keep any entertainment essentials corralled in the seat pockets. You can store lesser-used but still important items like ice scrapers, sports gear, and jumper cables contained in a small bin.


Reusing plastic or paper grocery bags to collect trash in your car is an easy way to reuse the bag and keep your car clean. This way you can easily toss the full bag at a gas station or at home without scouring the floorboards for wrappers and coffee cups. You can also use these bags to store wet towels, sweaty gym shoes, or messy kids’ clothes until you get home.

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A Little Every Day

Since you’re likely driving your car every day, clutter will accumulate rather quickly. Take a second at the end of the day to reorganize and save yourself a longer job further down the road. You can also establish a monthly car-cleaning routine to vacuum, dust, and disinfect your vehicle.

May 4, 2020
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