Independence Day in Manassas

Independence Day in Manassas

Independence Day

The 4th Of July marks a historical day in our country’s history, also known as Independence Day. This July 4th come and celebrate with us at the Manassas Virginia Fourth of July Fireworks show.

The Fireworks

If you want to have the time of your life on Independence Day, you’re in luck if you’re in the Manassas, Virginia area. Consider heading to THE fireworks display that is sure to light your day and night, right up.  They fireworks are synonymous with the Holiday, which makes them all the more enjoyable! People who want to revel in amazing sights and sounds won’t want to miss this event!

Enjoy the Company of Many Other Great People

Like many other 4th of July events, it tends to draw big crowds of people from all around across the region. Entertainment starts at 4:00 in the afternoon. Fireworks, on the other hand, starts at 9:15 PM. Other highlights of the event include tasty food, exciting recreational activities and, last but not least, live music! Come enjoy some of the finest local acts available!

The location for the event is 9431 West Street. Right in the heart of Manassas! If by chance you are looking for reliable transportation to get you there you check out all the specials we are running in honor of the holiday at Miller Toyota!

June 26, 2017
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